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Representation of Criminal Defendants by 靠谱的滚球平台 看到king Position as Assistant U.S. 靠谱的滚球平台

本意见审查的问题在D中作进一步澄清.C. 法律伦理意见.

主要从事刑事辩护工作的靠谱的滚球平台在寻求联邦检察官办公室的职位时,可以继续代表刑事辩护客户,前提是他/她的每个刑事辩护客户在充分披露靠谱的滚球平台必须退出联邦检察官办公室可能产生的不利影响后,同意代理. 当靠谱的滚球平台主动采取寻求这种工作的第一步时,必须予以披露并征得同意. 在知情同意的情况下, a lawyer may accept new criminal defense clients after deciding to apply to the United States 靠谱的滚球平台’s office, 雇佣开始前.


  • DR 7-101热心地代表客户.)
  • DR 5-101 (Refusing Employment When the Interests of the Lawyer May Impair His Independent Professional Judgment.)


  • 规则1.利益冲突:一般规则.)


在哥伦比亚特区执业的靠谱的滚球平台主要在哥伦比亚特区高级法院根据《靠谱的滚球平台》代理刑事被告. 靠谱的滚球平台决定在哥伦比亚特区联邦检察官办公室寻求职位,并提交简历供审查. 美国检察官办公室将在几周后决定是否允许申请人面谈. 此后,如果她在美国得到一个助理的职位.S. 检察官办公室, 实际工作可能要过几个月才会开始, 也许长达一年, 由于联邦调查局的调查和联邦政府的招聘冻结.

靠谱的滚球平台问她是否必须向她的客户透露她在检察官办公室寻求工作的决定, 以及她是否被要求退出联邦检察官办公室起诉的刑事被告的代理工作;

  1. As soon as she determines to seek a position with the United States 靠谱的滚球平台’s office;
  2. 当她提交简历时;
  3. 当她获得面试机会时;
  4. 当她被提供了一个职位;
  5. 当雇佣日期确定时.

靠谱的滚球平台还询问她是否必须向初审法院披露潜在的冲突,即使在向客户披露之后, 委托人同意让靠谱的滚球平台继续担任靠谱的滚球平台. 最后, 靠谱的滚球平台询问她是否可以继续代理被哥伦比亚特区公司靠谱的滚球平台办公室起诉的刑事被告, after employment is offered but before it commences with the United States 靠谱的滚球平台’s office; and if so whether she must disclose her pending employment to her clients in such cases.


这项调查提出了一个问题,即一名正在积极谋求在哥伦比亚特区联邦检察官办公室担任检察官的靠谱的滚球平台在其工作申请悬而未决期间是否因此丧失资格, 在她确定工作日期之前, 不再继续代表客户参与由该办公室和哥伦比亚特区公司靠谱的滚球平台办公室进行的刑事调查或诉讼. 首先要解决的问题是, whether the lawyer’s interest in pursuing this ambition will or reasonably may be expected to affect the exercise of her professional judgment in behalf of her clients; if so, whether and under what circumstances the lawyer may continue to represent existing clients in criminal cases being prosecuted by the United States 靠谱的滚球平台’s office after deciding to seek a position with that office; and, 第二个, whether the lawyer after determining to seek a position with the United States 靠谱的滚球平台’s office, 可以继续寻求和接受新的工作来代表被该办公室或哥伦比亚特区公司法律顾问办公室起诉的客户.

In defining the obligation of the bar to represent clients zealously within the bounds of law, DR 7-101(A)规定“靠谱的滚球平台不得故意:(1)未能通过法律和纪律规则允许的合理可行的手段寻求其委托人的合法目标. . . .规则1也规定了这一重大责任.3 of the 职业行为准则 and Related Comments (adopted March 1, 1990 by the D.C. 上诉法院,1月1日生效, 1991), is of special importance in criminal proceedings 在哪里 the client’s liberty is in jeopardy.

To insure the lawyer’s independence and freedom to act at all times in the best interests of his or her client, DR 5-101规定,当某些个人利益可能损害靠谱的滚球平台的独立专业判断时,靠谱的滚球平台可以拒绝雇佣. 因此, 5 - 101 (A)博士 provides: “Except with the consent of this client after full disclosure, 靠谱的滚球平台代表委托人进行专业判断将受到或合理可能受到其自身财务状况影响的,不得受聘, 业务, 财产或个人利益.” Cf. 规则1.7(B)(4) of the 职业行为准则 effective January 1, 1991.

靠谱的滚球平台的某些现有利益可能会合理地影响靠谱的滚球平台代表客户行事的热情时,该规则约束靠谱的滚球平台是否在新事务中承担代理靠谱的滚球平台的最初决定. 该规则还被解释为对靠谱的滚球平台施加了一项持续的道德义务,即不得将其个人利益置于客户利益之上. 看来号. 144, 169.

规则1.7 of the new 规则 effective January 1, 1991, contains prescriptions similar to those of DR 5-101.

5 - 101 (A)博士, 字面理解这句话, addresses the question of whether and when a lawyer may accept new employment that might be in conflict with the lawyer’s own 业务 或者个人兴趣; or which might adversely affect the lawyer’s ability to exercise independent professional judgment in behalf of an existing client, 否则就会让靠谱的滚球平台卷入利益冲突. 在审议本调查时,委员会将这条规则解释为也适用于靠谱的滚球平台是否以及何时可以肯定地寻求新就业的问题, 如果你被录取了, 会造成同样的冲突吗.

1. Lawyer’s Duty to Existing Clients When He or She Applies for a Position in the Prosecutor’s Office

The overriding consideration in addressing the questions raised by this inquiry, 不是靠谱的滚球平台的个人兴趣或抱负吗, but the lawyer’s responsibility to represent his or her client zealously within the bounds of law, 尤其是那些可能被指控犯罪的人. Clearly, the lawyer cannot allow personal interests to interfere with that duty. 靠谱的滚球平台可能认为,处理她受雇辩护的案件或事项的特定检察官对她的就业前景有一定影响. 她也可能认为,她在该案件或事项中表现出的辩护技巧将成为对她进行评价的主要依据. 如果是这样,她可能会寻求给人留下良好的印象. 很难知道这些主观感受是否会损害她对客户的热情代表. 他们可能会,也可能不会. 在某些情况下,靠谱的滚球平台可能会更加努力地代表客户工作,以证明她的能力和能力.

因此, the lawyer may redouble the effort and time she previously gave to the client’s cause, working more vigorously to master the applicable law and facts of the case. Obscure tactics and defenses may receive greater attention than otherwise, 靠谱的滚球平台呢?, 努力表现好, may conduct a more thorough discovery to better anticipate the prosecution’s attack. 在试验, the attorney may put forth her defense and counter the prosecution more energetically than otherwise. 所有这些活动, though driven by the lawyer’s personal interest in performing well and enhancing her employment prospects, 对客户也有好处吗. 在这种情况下靠谱的滚球平台和委托人的利益, 因此, 很可能是一致的吗.

另一方面, 在刑事诉讼中代表客户, 靠谱的滚球平台经常被要求对诉讼过程作出判断,并维护给控方带来沉重负担的权利,并对靠谱的滚球平台的委托人定罪造成困难障碍. The prosecutor may view some of defense counsel’s tactics as unwarranted, 技术, 不讲道理的,甚至冒犯到个人的.

此外, criminal investigations and trials are the most adversarial of all litigation. 可以预料,公诉人将积极抗辩, 在他争取定罪的过程中, 几乎所有辩方靠谱的滚球平台的证据开示请求, 审前动议, 审判战术. 在这种激烈竞争和对抗性诉讼的背景下, 对方靠谱的滚球平台之间的关系可能会变得紧张. 不过, 辩护靠谱的滚球平台有义务采取一切必要的合法和道德措施来为委托人辩护,而不考虑对方的反对意见, 阻塞, 或者个人兴趣, 例如,不想冒犯或激怒她正在寻求或最近可能得到有利工作考虑的检察官办公室的成员. 在什么情况下,担心危及她的就业机会会妨碍靠谱的滚球平台代表她的客户, 存在着不可容许的利益冲突.

困难, 因此, 是,, while the lawyer may react in this situation in a manner entirely consistent with her client’s best interests, she could also perceive her own interests to be in conflict with those of her client. 此外, 在代理过程中,靠谱的滚球平台可能无法预见这种冲突是否或何时会发生.

委员会认为DR 5-101和规则1适用于此.自1991年1月1日起施行. 这些规则规定, 在哪里, 因为在这里, the lawyer’s judgment on behalf of her client reasonably may be affected by her own personal interests, she may not proceed without obtaining the client’s consent after full disclosure. (博士5 - 101 (A)). The Committee has previously recognized “that the obvious ability to provide adequate representation, 根据DR 7-101,哪个是热心的, is an independent requirement which must be met even though consent is provided.“第163号意见,提及第49号意见. 刑事被告, 此外, may feel compelled to give consent rather than incur the 延迟 and inconvenience which would otherwise result.

而最终决定冲突是否存在的是靠谱的滚球平台自身对其与委托人利益关系的主观认知,1 the evaluation of the potential for conflict necessarily must rest with the client. 因此, 即使靠谱的滚球平台确定她在检察官办公室获得职位的个人利益不会损害她代表委托人利益的热情, 这种可能性必须充分告知客户. The client must also be made aware of the possibility of added expense, 延迟, 可能给客户带来的不便和其他不利因素, 靠谱的滚球平台随后必须退出案件的, 也许是在最不方便的时候, 开始在联邦检察官办公室工作. 只有在充分和完整地披露了所有这些可能性后,当事人同意,靠谱的滚球平台才能继续代表当事人. 见规则1的注释[12].自1991年1月1日起生效.

委员会认为,当靠谱的滚球平台决定在哥伦比亚特区联邦检察官办公室工作时,就有披露和征求同意的义务. 因此, 披露的时间不应晚于靠谱的滚球平台主动寻求这种工作的第一步. This may be when the lawyer calls to discuss or inquire about procedures for making application; and the duty certainly arises when the lawyer submits a resume.

进一步, 靠谱的滚球平台必须将其委托人在检察官办公室的就业前景的任何重大变化通知委托人, 特别是任何倾向于表明靠谱的滚球平台可能需要退出代理的事态发展. This duty derives from the lawyer’s obligation to mitigate the burden which withdrawal imposes on the client.2

2. 在检察官办公室职位申请审理期间, Lawyer May 接受 New Criminal Defense Clients With Their Consent After Full Disclosure

在询问者决定申请联邦检察官办公室的职位后,她是否可以寻求和接受新的刑事辩护客户的问题的解决, while her application is pending and before employment is scheduled to commence, 受5 - 101 (A)博士规管. 这条规则允许靠谱的滚球平台, 征得客户同意, 接受新的工作,即使靠谱的滚球平台的独立判断的行使可能受到一些商业或个人利益的影响.

在这种情况下, 假设完全披露, 委托人可以评估靠谱的滚球平台代理的活力是否会因不愿采取任何可能减少其成为检察官工作人员的机会的行动而受到削弱. A decision can be reached freely without concern about possible significant disadvantages if consent is refused. Other counsel not so infected with adverse personal interests are presumably available, and there is no apparent reason why the client would suffer any significant 延迟, 因拒绝同意而造成的损失或不便.

相应的, 委员会的结论是,根据5 - 101 (A)博士, the lawyer may accept new criminal matters 征得客户同意s after full disclosure.

还有一个问题是,靠谱的滚球平台在向联邦检察官办公室提出申请期间,是否可以继续寻求和接受新的工作,以代表被哥伦比亚特区公司靠谱的滚球平台办公室起诉的客户. 这个问题并不表示靠谱的滚球平台的利益与其客户的利益之间存在或可能存在冲突. 与上述分析所设想的场景不同, 靠谱的滚球平台不能合理地担心她在一个不相关机构的就业前景,因为她热心地为一个被另一个机构起诉的犯罪客户辩护. 因此,容灾5-101和容灾5-105都不适用. 尽管刑事案件中的客户可能更希望他的靠谱的滚球平台完全“以辩护为导向”,甚至不考虑在为他辩护时成为检察官, this preference does not mean that a potential or actual conflict of interest exists, 没有上述情况. 因此, 委员会认为,靠谱的滚球平台没有义务向任何被哥伦比亚特区公司靠谱的滚球平台办公室起诉的客户透露她正在寻求在联邦检察官办公室工作.


We agree with the Committee’s conclusion but wish to emphasize the narrow reach of the Opinion.

调查提出了一种情况,即靠谱的滚球平台在美国有广泛的正在进行的刑事实践和就业过程.S. 靠谱的滚球平台办公室需要好几个月才能完成. 因为不能指望靠谱的滚球平台完全停止执业, it is not feasible for her to time her decision to seek employment with the U.S. 检察官办公室 until the possible conflict with existing clients is eliminated. 在其他情况下, 然而, it may be feasible for a lawyer to avoid any conflict by 延迟ing the decision, 在这种情况下, we believe the lawyer may have an ethical duty to withhold the application until the conflict is removed. 看到 EC 5-2(“在接受雇用后, 靠谱的滚球平台应谨慎地避免采取一种立场,使他的判断对委托人的利益保护不足.”)

调查没有. 88-2-5


1. If in the lawyer’s own mind the conflict of interests is insurmountable, 她不能在继续为刑事被告辩护的同时追求成为检察官的个人兴趣, 她当然必须撤回(不提交)她的申请到美国.S. 靠谱的滚球平台’s office until all of her pending criminal matters have been completed.
2. 虽然在某些情况下这样做是适当的, 这一意见没有处理靠谱的滚球平台是否应通知处理委托人案件的法官他或她已申请在检察官办公室任职的问题.

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